Monday, April 18, 2016

Social Media: Benefitting A Drug-Free Sports Culture

Millennials’ use of the digital world is well-known and documented. This group of people, born between 1982 and 2004 according to most sources, are accustomed to immediate access to information. Long gone are the days of flipping through encyclopedias or even reference books for information; a simple Google search provides many more options. According to the American Press Institute, 88% of Millennials get news from Facebook, with 33% getting news from Twitter. They say that it exposes them to multiple opinions and views, making them have sculpted opinions from several sources. Many find out about sports results, health news and recommendations from peers and sources that they’ve never met – forming new camaraderie and trust in the process. Three-quarters of Millennials have an account on a social networking site, compared with only half of Generation Xers and less than a third of the Baby Boomers, according to Ibid and a White House report on the age group.

Courtesy, American Press Institute.
This group, varying in age from 12 – 34, is the core range of most high school, collegiate, amateur, and professional athletes.

While it’s impressive and convenient to get an immediate pulse on issues and news, one needs to be mindful of the accuracy and misinformation that is quickly disseminated in the race to be first to market or the first to “post”. They’re checking their accounts and acting upon the information.

It’s no coincidence that at Drug Free Sport, we have increased our social media outreach within the past six months, in an effort to provide informative posts on supplements (including FDA recalls), sport drug education, sport drug testing, events, and other current happenings in the world of sports that will benefit our athletes, their families, and their support teams. Additionally, it’s a way to listen, learn and engage with peers on topics that could benefit the entire sports community. Drug Free Sport is proud to have industry-leading technology and awareness on digital trends, including in social media.

We encourage all of our athletic administration partners, student-athletes, professional athletes and their support team members to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn, to hear about up-to-date events in the field. As we further develop our Webinar content, this will expand our digital footprint onto video-based social media outlets. It’s a great – and often times fun – reminder of the importance of making and encouraging good decisions within your circles of influence.

Drug Free Sport on Social Media:
Hashtag: #DrugFreeSport 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such valuable and helpful information and knowledge. This can give us more insights! Keep it up. I would love to see your next update.

    Social Media Services
