Thursday, May 17, 2012

10 reasons why drugs, alcohol and/or supplements are still an issue in athletics: Marijuana 101

Following up this week on our May 8th 2012 blog titled "10 reasons why drugs, alcohol and/or supplements are still an issue in athletics," we explore our first reason:

           "In a 2009 study, the use of Marijuana amongst NCAA student-athletes had increased by   
            nearly 2 points over a period of 4 years. 22.6 percent of respondents claimed to have used 
            Marijuana within the last 12 months."

This blog is titled Marijuana 101 and can be found on our myPlaybook blog at:

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand."
-Native American Saying-



  1. We are proud to offer bodybuilders, powerlifters.

  2. Is #Doping in #Sports more widespread than reported? Share your views here Pls RT
