Monday, October 25, 2010

Sports nutrition part 2: Foods that = success and when to eat them

We understand that time is at a premium for most student-athletes. Lack of time is the number one reason many people give for failing to eat sensibly. Don’t let your on-field shortcomings be a result of a poor diet; time does not need to dictate your diet. Proper planning, educating yourself on performance enhancing foods, and working with a sports nutritionist are all ways to fuel your body and reach your peak athletic goals while meeting your own personal health goals.
If you must eat on the go, eat on the go with a plan! Develop a weekly menu with the “basics,” things are constantly changing so be prepared for change. Include, whole wheat breads, lean meats (vegan alternative), and plenty of produce. Find a cooler that can fit in your bag, and include portable foods and snacks; sliced fruit, low sugar yogurt, string cheeses, and protein bars and nuts make great travel buddies.

Breaking Your Fast
Eating breakfast every morning is key; the level of glycogen in your liver can be substantially lower in the morning, so you need to refuel your body to replace the energy it used while you slept.
• Student-athletes who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom than those who skip. A lot easier to think when your body has energy fuel.
• Eating last night’s left over’s is okay (i.e. pizza, Chinese food with rice or even cheese and crackers)
• Traditional breakfast food choices:
o Instant grits/bowl of cereal
o Fruit or yogurt smoothie
o Egg and cheese sandwich
o Waffles with fruit
o Hard- boiled eggs

3-4 hours before practice, workout or competition keep these tools in mind:
• Consider choosing foods with lots of carbohydrates, such as
o Rice
o Pasta
o Potatoes
o Yogurt
o Fruit smoothies
o Vegetables
o Muffins
o Crackers
o Bread
• Drink tons of water and sport drinks!

1 hour before a practice, workout or competition keep these tools in mind:
• Have a snack:
o ½ a bagel
o Granola bar
o Large banana
• 12 ounces of sport drink

• Halftime/timeouts
o Drink water and/or your favorite flavor of sport drink.
• Post-workout
o Drink approximately 24 ounces of sport drink or water for every pound of body weight that is lost during competition/practice.
o Monitor you urine color. Apple juice color = dehydration and you need more fluids. Lemonade color = hydrated.
o Eat something within 30 minutes of competition/practice.

What about fast food?
• Pizza with thick crust, vegetables, and Canadian bacon, instead of “meat lover’s”
• Single burgers, instead of “double” or “Monster” with bacon and cheese
• Grilled chicken sandwiches or grilled chicken salads instead of fried chicken
• Stir-fried veggies and steamed white rice, instead of meals with large portions of meat or fried egg rolls.
• Grilled meats verses fried meats
• Waffles, pancakes, grits, scrambled eggs, or grilled ham, instead of bacon, sausage or biscuits.
• Avoid these sandwiches: tuna salad, chicken salad or salami. Try turkey, chicken or roast beef and load up on the veggies.
• Avoid the pasta dishes with large amounts of meat, cheese and cream. Opt for lots of pasta and red sauce.
Remember: Aim to be consistent in your eating habits, go for quality foods and remember timing of meals will impact your performance. Know your schedule and plan ahead by bringing or purchasing appropriate foods and beverages. Try to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain energy levels but don’t have a large meal right before an event. Good eating habits are important at all times (before the game, after the game, and during the off-season)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sports nutrition part 1: Does your food = success?

Superior athletic ability comes from genetics and training. However, witout good food choices and the correct timing of meals, your training and performance will suffer. You need a fueling plan that includes the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, enough vitamins and minerals, and the correct amount of fluids.

Nutrition is one of the corner stone’s of athletic success, combined with training, skill set and rest. You cannot train harder to make-up for a poor diet, or sleep, less and expect to compete at an elite level. Eating for performance equals eating on a schedule; this does not mean you have to clock in for meals, but it does mean that you should get a better understanding of what, how much, and when you eat for optimal performance.

Eating for Performance Goals:

1. Keep a high energy level throughout workouts

2. Repair and strengthen muscles

3. Avoid illness, infection, or any outside force that could suppress immune
system during training

4. Recover from training and prepare for practice, or event

Athletes must fuel the body with calories and nutrients from “healthy” foods. Sports scientists generally recommend a high-performance diet – in moderation – consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates and fats provide the raw material that creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that is the true energy source inside the cell. Your daily food intake must contain adequate amounts of calories and nutrients to meet this demand.

Carbohydrates – Play a vital role in many functions of the body, but one of the main functions is to provide energy for the contracting muscle. The storage form of carbohydrates is called Glycogen; found mainly in muscle and the liver. Muscle glycogen is a readily available energy source for the working muscle. Athletes require Carbohydrates in all phases of working out and competition. The brain is highly dependent on glucose as a fuel, so remember carbohydrates are not the enemy.

Fats – Contrary to belief fat is a contributor to health and performance for athletes. You need fat for energy,and to move substances in and out of cells, and it helps keep your brain and nervous system healthy. Lastly, fat helps your body to use some vitamins as well as plant chemicals known as "phytochemicals."

Protein – Major functions include build, repair and maintain your body’s muscle tissue and provide energy, if necessary. Protein is also responsible for healthy blood cells, Key enzymes and strengthening the immune system. Protein cannot build muscle alone, it requires carbohydrate calories to provide the body with energy.

•Vitamins and Minerals - do not give you more energy, but they help to unlock the energy stored in food so your body can use it as fuel.

•Fluid - Water is the most important nutrient; be sure to replace the fluids you lose through sweat when you are active.

Aim to be consistent in your eating habits, go for quality foods and remember timing of meals will impact your performance. Know your schedule and plan ahead by bringing or purchasing appropriate foods and beverages. Try to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain energy levels but don’t have a large meal right before an event. Good eating habits are important at all times (before the game, after the game, and during the off-season)

Part 2 will focus on foods that = success and when to eat them, stay tuned!

Helpful websites:
NCAA Nutrition and Performance